
Victoria, the capital city of British Columbia, is poised to become Canada’s next Blue Community.

On Thursday, June 16, 2011, City Councillor Marianne Alto introduced a Blue Communities resolution to the Committee of the Whole. Since the Committee recommended approval, city council will vote on the resolution on Thursday, June 23.

In order to become a Blue Community, a municipality must pass a resolution banning the sale of bottled water in public facilities and at municipal events, recognizing water as a human right, and promoting publicly financed, owned and operated water and wastewater services.

On March 22 of this year, Burnaby, the third largest city in British Columbia, became the first Blue Community in Canada. If the resolution is accepted by city council on Thursday, June 23, Victoria will become the second Blue Community in Canada! To read the Blue Communities Guide visit, www.canadians.org/bluecommunitiesguide.

So if you live in Victoria, tell the mayor and your city councillor that you want Victoria to be the next Blue Community and that you support water as a human right, global commons and public service. Please send this action alert to friends, family and colleagues. You can find the mayor and city councillors’ email and telephone numbers below.

Thanks to the support of council members like you in Victoria, we are on the verge of a historic moment for people of Victoria and our shared water future!

To send an email to the Mayor and ALL City Councillors, visit: www.victoria.ca/citymail/index.asp?rec=262&subj=Council+Feedback

Mayor and individual councillors:

Mayor Dean Fortin
Telephone: 250.361.0200; Email: www.victoria.ca/citymail/index.asp?rec=114&subj=General+Feedback

Councillor Marianne Alto (Oaklands/ Victoria West)
Phone: 250.361.0216; Email: [email protected]

Councillor Chris Coleman (Fernwood)
Phone: 250.361.0223; Email: [email protected]

Councillor Lynn Hunter (James Bay)
Phone: 250.361.0218; Cell: 250.216.6462; Email: [email protected]

Councillor Philippe Lucas (North Park, Hillside / Quadra)
Phone: 250.361.0217; Cell: 250.216.5433; Email: [email protected]

Councillor John Luton (Downtown, Harris Green)
Phone: 250.361.0222; Email: [email protected]

Councillor Pamela Madoff (Fairfield / Gonzales)
Phone: 250.361.0221; Email: [email protected]

Councillor Charlayne Thornton-Joe (Burnside Gorge)
Phone: 250.361.0219; Email: [email protected]

Councillor Geoff Young (Rockland, North & South Jubilee)
Phone: 250.361.0221; Email: [email protected]

Emma Lui - Fraser River

Emma Lui

Emma Lui is an activist, writer and researcher. She is a contributing editor with rabble.ca and a member of Cooperative Biblioterre. Emma is also the holistic health director for the Canadian Women...