Akiva Eldar

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CMOT Dibbler
Akiva Eldar


CMOT Dibbler

What an arrogant, patonizing, pampered and undeniably racist dippshit. If this is really how 90% of the Israeli left thinks, then Israel is screwed. What kind of a peace activist refuses a disposessed population the option of returning home? What secular socialist would demand Israeli sovereignty over the temple mount even though he will never pray there? What thinking, compassonate human being could talk about how morally bankrupt and myopic the settler movement is and yet not discuss how xenophobic Israeli society is in general.

How could someone who is suposed to be standing up for peace and justice talk down to a man who might have family in a Jordan refugee camp?

Akiva Eldar is an idiot.

[ 09 October 2008: Message edited by: CMOT Dibbler ]