Africa's last colony?

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Africa's last colony?



Western Sahara, a former Spanish colony, was taken over by Morocco in 1975 and afterwards and has been denied self-determination ever since. It is perhaps the last territory in Africa not to receive political independence. Warfare has been addressed by the construction of a vast "security wall" across the desert. 

[url=]Association de soutien à un référendum libre et régulier au Sahara Occidental[/url] - web site in English, French and Spanish.



Western Sahara has been erroneously cast as a hotbed of Islamic terrorism and as a potential base for al-Qaeda. This form of knee-jerk racism has ensured that Western Sahara's illegal occupier, Morocco, has been able to play the security card and has gained enough traction to deconstruct the UN's formal decolonisation agendas which served us so well.

[url= Ramos-Horta, president of East Timor[/url]

remind remind's picture

So is the pink line the wall?


Not quite, there's also the Spanish-held Ceuta and Melilla, two cities that might otherwise be part of Morocco.

Le T Le T's picture

there was an article about Western Sahara in the New International a couple years ago.


[url=]Yes, a whole theme issue in fact.[/url]

Remind: the pink line is the wall, yes.

remind remind's picture

Thanks for magazine link Ze.