Having been battered may count as a "pre-existing condition" for your insurance company

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martin dufresne
Having been battered may count as a "pre-existing condition" for your insurance company

This story is generating a lot of anger in the U.S. But with the integration of companies across North America, it may also be an issue in Canada. Check your policy!


The Insurance Industry's Heartless Logic: Getting Beaten by Your Husband Is an Excuse to Deny Coverage
By Ryan Grim, Huffington Post/AlterNet

With the White House zeroing in on the insurance-industry practice of discriminating against clients based on pre-existing conditions, administration allies are calling attention to how broadly insurers interpret the term to maximize profits.

It turns out that in eight states, plus the District of Columbia, getting beaten up by your spouse is a pre-existing condition.

Under the cold logic of the insurance industry, it makes perfect sense: If you are in a marriage with someone who has beaten you in the past, you're more likely to get beaten again than the average person and are therefore more expensive to insure.

In human terms, it's a second punishment for a victim of domestic violence. (...)





remind remind's picture

Wonderful, one more attack by patriarchy upon women.