The Haiti occupation continues

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The Haiti occupation continues

The Haiti Occupation Continues   -  by Yves Engler

"On February 29, 2004 the US, France and Canada overthrew Haiti's elected government. The foreign military intervention led to an unmitigated human rights disaster.

There is some evidence that Canadian forces in Haiti participated directly in the political repression.

In the lead up to the 10th anniversary of the coup, will any major media outlets mention Canada's complicity in the worst human rights disaster in the Western hemisphere this century?"


Please sign the Apology to Haiti

"We sign this statement to tell the world and especially the Haitian people, that we are ashamed and outraged by the Canadian Government's active participation in the February 29, 2004 Coup d'Etat that toppled the duly elected Government of Haiti led by President Jean Bertrand Aristide.

On behalf of all Canadians, the great majority of whom are kept ignorant of this coup and its aftermath, we sincerely apologize for the terrible, lasting damage it has caused..."


Issues Pages: 

Imperialism's Coup d'Etat Against Democracy and the People of Haiti

"We have an anti-imperialist obligation to the People of Haiti..."


'Long Live Putin!' Haiti Opposition Protesters Burn US Flag, Demand Russian Intervention (and vid)

Just imagine, this is the thanks Canada gets after all our help and attention paid. Outrageous!


Canada provided the "soft" support for regime change in Haiti. Just playing our part in the imperial order of things. Like all the other countries we have helped rid of their insufferable elected governments it seems that the conditions that were used as an excuse for the original coup are far worse not better.


Americans Detained in Haiti Transporting Weapons Cache Amid Uprising

"Even as Trump seeks to inspire a military coup against Venezuela's Nicolas Maduro, evidence is mounting that the US government is enabling American mercenaries to violently quell a popular uprising in Haiti..."

It would be a reasonable assumption, based on past interventions, to find Canada also involved. Watch this space...


Engler: Canadian Policy on Venezuela, Haiti, Reveals Hypocrisy that Media Ignores

"...Unlike Venezuela, Haiti is not divided. Basically, everyone wants the current 'president' to go...So what has been Ottawa's response to the popular protests in Haiti? Has Global Affairs released a statement supporting the will of the people? Has Justin Trudeau called the Haitian President a 'brutal dictator?'

In fact it's the exact opposite to the situation in Venezuela. The only reason the Haitian president is hanging on is because of support from the so-called 'Core Group' of 'Friends of Haiti,' comprising the ambassadors of Canada, France, Brazil, Germany and the US as well as representatives of Spain, EU and OAS. The 'Core Group' released a statement last week 'acknowledging the professionalism shown by the Haitian National Police.'

As I detailed 10 weeks ago in a story headlined 'Canada Backs Haitian Government Even As Police Force Kills Demonstrators,' Ottawa has provided countless forms of support to Moise's unpopular government. The incredible hypocrisy in Ottawa's response to recent political developments in Haiti and Venezuela is shameful. Why has no major media dared contrast the two?"

Because Canadians are too busy slavishly following their msm  to bother demanding such coverage.


kropotkin1951 wrote:

Canada provided the "soft" support for regime change in Haiti. Just playing our part in the imperial order of things. Like all the other countries we have helped rid of their insufferable elected governments it seems that the conditions that were used as an excuse for the original coup are far worse not better.

Had to read and re-read your last sentence several times to try to make sense of it.
Could you please finish it? Far worse than what?


As US Intervention Germinates in Venezuela We Must Not Forget the Implications For Haiti

"...But the people can smell the miasma surrounding the US intervention in Venezuela and Haiti - and they know more than ever that the fate of both nations are directly tied. The people of Haiti are once again attempting to win back their nation.

If the people of Haiti and Venezuela are successful in beating back the attempts by the US to impose its control over these two nations connected by history and struggle, it will signal that the era of US imperial control really is coming to an end.

That would be a victory not only for the peoples of Venezuela and Haiti but for the world."


American Mercenaries Arrested in Haiti Go Free

"Behind the often reported great Haiti disaster story, there's a lot going on we don't hear about..."


And/Or Pay No Attention To...

CANADIAN MILITARY IN HAITI. WHY? [Cue Canucklehead crickets]

"Canadian troops may have recently been deployed to Haiti, even though the government has not asked Parliament or consulted the public for approval to send soldiers to that country. Last week the Haiti Information Project photographed heavily-armed Canadian troops patrolling the Port-au-Prince Airport. According to a knowledgeable source I emailed the photos to, they were probably Special Forces..."


"Mr and Mrs Clinton: speaking of real humanitarian aid...Can you explain where the hundreds of millions of dollars that the Clinton Foundation received to help the people of Haiti are?"

Jorge Arreaza, FM of Venezuela


A Video That Will Change Your View of What's Going On in Haiti, Once and Forever! (and vid)

"What are US plans for Venezuela? Find out by looking at what they did to Haiti. This, exactly this, is what the US considers democracy..."


What Was the Mission of US Merecenaries in Haiti?

"They were there to attack government.' Bombshell report alleges a group of American mercenaries illegally traveled to Haiti to help the Caribbean country's president consolidate power and move 80 million dollars..."


What Was the Mission of US Merecenaries in Haiti?

"They were there to attack government.' Bombshell report alleges a group of American mercenaries illegally traveled to Haiti to help the Caribbean country's president consolidate power and move 80 million dollars..."


The Foreign Roots of Haiti's 'Constitutional Crisis'

"Haiti's president's term has come to an end, but he refuses to step down. Solidarity is urged..."


Racial Capitalism and the betrayal of Haiti

Haiti Betrayed (and vid)

A continuing Canadian crime.


Haitian Official Stashes Wealth in Montreal

How Canada facilitates the lifestyles of Haiti's rich and infamous.


Haitian President Jovenel Moïse was assassinated in an attack on his private residence early Wednesday, according to a statement from the country’s interim prime minister, who called the killing a “hateful, inhumane and barbaric act.



Haiti's Canada-Backed Dictator Jovenal Moise was Assassinated (and vid)

"Haiti's Canada-backed dictator Jovenal Moise was assassinated today at his home. This is an important moment to find out about Canada's historical, ongoing destabilization of Haiti. A great place to start is Briere Elaine's film Haiti Betrayed..."



Aristide was the best chance Haiti to develop, but the US, France, the UK and Canada made sure he lost power and preferred he be replaced by narco paramilitary allies. 


Telesur on Moise Assassination in Haiti

"The assassins spoke English and Spanish with a US accent and the government said that highly trained foreign attackers were involved..."

laine lowe laine lowe's picture

I completely agree with you, Jerry. The ouster of Aristide was criminal.


 Suspected Assassins of Haitian President Moise Trained by US, Linked to Pro-Coup Oligarchy

"As the investigation into Moise's murder unfolds, the US is laying the grounwork to deploy troops into Haiti for the fourth time in 106 years, at the request of a figure it has spent decades grooming..."



'We need help': Haiti's interim leader requests US troops'

"Haiti's interim government said it asked the US to deploy troops to protect key infrastructure..."

Whither Canada? Someone had best tell Jagmeet Singh to ignore any foolish Hill & Knowlton advice to support this malevolent contrick.

[email protected]



In recent months, as the country erupted in protest over abuse of power by the political elite, Mr. Célestin has been parrying accusations of corruption from Haitian activists over his purchase of a mansion almost 2,000 miles away in Canada.

The sprawling $3.4 million villa, with its 10-car garage, home cinema and swimming pool overlooking a lake, was among the most expensive homes ever sold in one of Quebec’s most affluent neighborhoods, and the purchase set off a corruption investigation into Mr. Célestin by officials in Haiti.


"One of the men arrested in connection with the assassination of Haitian president Jovenal Moise may have been a former 'chief commander of bodyguards' at the Canadian embassy..."


New Documents Detail How Canada Helped Plan 2004 Coup d'etat

"Memos and briefs illuminate Canada's role in a US-led coup that plunged Haiti into violence and chaos..."


Once Again the Vultures Circle Haiti

"Another earthquake in Haiti provides another opportunity for the NGO community, the Haitian oligarchy and foreign imperialists to consolidate their profits and power..."


Wow. After 18 years of the western media vilifying Aristide, NYTimes publishes this report that finally confirms that the US, France and Canada orchestrated a coup against him in 2004, partly to kill his national campaign for reparations from France.

Demanding Reparations,and Ending Up in Exile

The shock came midway through the speech.

Reparation!” boomed Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Haiti’s firebrand president, to the cheers of the farmers, workers and students in the crowd.

The French ambassador sitting on stage hid his alarm behind an awkward smile. He knew Mr. Aristide well enough to expect barbs at Haiti’s former French colonizers and slave masters. But on that day, April 7, 2003, the president suddenly started calling for reparations, a bombshell that became a hallmark of his presidency — and, diplomats now concede, part of his undoing.

“We had to try to defuse it,” the French ambassador, Yves Gaudeul, said of Mr. Aristide’s call for reparations, calling it an “explosive.”


“We were very disdainful of Haiti,” Mr. Gaudeul recalled. “What I think we will never forgive Haiti for, deep down, is that it is the country that beat us.”

Even after Mr. Aristide’s removal in 2004, the calls for restitution have continued to reverberate, leading to a stunning concession more than a decade later by François Hollande, France’s president, who referred to the money Haiti was forced to hand over as “the ransom of independence.”

Since then, scholars have increasingly explored the history of Haiti’s payments. Just this past December, at a conference on the grounds of the French Finance Ministry, one of the most prominent French historians on relations between the two countries, Jean-François Brière, called the payments a form of “meta-slavery” that prevented Haiti from breaking free of France, long after independence.

“All French people are affected” by the nation’s past in Haiti, said Jean-Marc Ayrault, a former French prime minister. Yet, he said, French students don’t learn about it and few officials discuss it.

“It’s never taught,” he said. “It’s never explained.”.....

President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, his wife, Mildred Trouillot, and bodyguards on April 7, 2003, when he asked France for reparations.Credit...Thony Belizaire/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

A week after President Aristide was ousted from power, American Marines on patrol in Haiti in 2004, left, were followed by a taunting crowd of his supporters.


Cap-Haïtien. Haïti’s double debt cemented the country on a path to poverty and underdevelopment.Credit...Federico Rios for The New York Times

Cap-Haïtien. Haïti’s double debt cemented the country on a path to poverty and underdevelopment.

laine lowe laine lowe's picture

Haiti remains mired in poverty and injustice based on heavy handed meddling of western powers. This is the fate that possibly awaits Venezuela and Cuba if they stop fighting for the control of their own destinies. Although, it seems that Haiti has always been stomped over and abused more than most other nations.

On another note, how is Aristide and his family doing? I can't remeber what country they escaped to but I hope they are well.


Thread: US Preparing 'Imminent' Military Intervention to Crush Uprising in Haiti (and vid)

"My new investigation shows how the US is preparing an 'imminent' military intervention to crush the uprising in Haiti, either with Pentagon special ops 'trainers' or full-scale invasion..."

PS laine lowe @#30. Last I heard (2021)former President Aristide and his family had returned to Haiti from exile in South Africa.


Protesters Reject Call for Deployment of Foreign Forces to Haiti

In Haiti, several people were shot Monday — at least one of them fatally — after police fired tear gas on thousands of protesters who took to the streets of the capital Port-au-Prince. Protesters demanded the resignation of the U.S.-backed Prime Minister Ariel Henry and called on the government to reverse its decision to seek foreign military assistance.

Jean Levelt: “Unemployment, the high cost of living, insecurity — it is all for these reasons that I am in the street. I take to the streets to say no to the occupation.”

The United Nations is urging the activation of a “rapid action force” to Haiti to combat armed gangs that have blockaded the main terminal in Port-au-Prince, blocking imports of food, fuel and other necessities. This comes amid warnings of a looming public health disaster after a new outbreak of cholera emerged this month. In 2010, U.N. peacekeepers inadvertently sparked a cholera outbreak that killed 10,000 people, and U.N. forces in Haiti have been accused of sexual violence.


Haitians Protest Against Call For Foreign Intervention

"Canada funded, armed, trained and diplomatically backed police force kill another young girl at march protesting illegitimate Canada-imposed leader call fror Canadian military intervention. Expect silence from Canadian officials who've enabled significant violence in Haiti."


So basically ignore Haiti? Give no aid, give no troops, cops, hospital workers or UN intervention of any kind and let the country itself solve its own problems?


Bacchus wrote:

So basically ignore Haiti? Give no aid, give no troops, cops, hospital workers or UN intervention of any kind and let the country itself solve its own problems?

..haiti has never been given the chance to solve it's own problems since it's independence. outside interference has been the central problem. this includes the rise of gangs or warlords. inmo. do you see things bacchus?


Bacchus wrote:

So basically ignore Haiti? Give no aid, give no troops, cops, hospital workers or UN intervention of any kind and let the country itself solve its own problems?

It might be an interesting experiment. We've sent Haiti over 2 billion dollars. Let's use that money in the future on Canadian health care and dental care instead.

86% of Haitian-Canadians live in Quebec. The Liberals are safe to upset them.


epaulo13 wrote:
Bacchus wrote:

So basically ignore Haiti? Give no aid, give no troops, cops, hospital workers or UN intervention of any kind and let the country itself solve its own problems?

..haiti has never been given the chance to solve it's own problems since it's independence. outside interference has been the central problem. this includes the rise of gangs or warlords. inmo. do you see things bacchus?

Personally? I think anything we (the world) does will be criticized to hell and back so I would recommend we do exactly as they ask and send nothing


Personally? I think anything we (the world) does will be criticized to hell and back so I would recommend we do exactly as they ask and send nothing

..txs. agreed.


BAR: Haiti Special Issue

"Ever since its inception, BAR has given Haiti a level of attention it rarely receives from other media platforms. The Haitian revolution defeated European powera and freed its people only to be punished for having done so for the next 200 years.

First France, and then the US stole Haiti's assets for many decades and left the nation impovereished. The US and its Core Group allies in the UN, EU, France and Canada have prevented Haiti from being a democratic nation whic works on behalf of all its people.

As always, BAR addresses a variety of issues, but this week there is a special emphasis on Haitian history, opposition to further occupations, and an analysis of present day conditions....


BAP Rejects Calls For More Foreign Intervention in Haiti & Stands For Respecting Haitian Sovereignty and Self Determination

"On September 30, the Black Alliance For Peace delivered an open letter to CARICOM, urging the 11-nation group to support Haitian sovereignty and oppose further calls for foreign intervention.

BAP reminded the leaders of CARICOM that the situation in Haiti could not be reduced to a sensationalist assertion that so-called gangs were behind the popular uprisings on the island..."


UN, Diplomatic Preparations For Military Intervention in Haiti Met With Widespread Protests

"As protests and violent clashes in Haiti rage, the UN, Warshington and Ottawa are mulling over the deployment of foreign troops to quell widespread political and social opposition to Prime Minister Ariel Henry.

The plans being crafted for a foreign occupation have nothing to do with ensuring the welfare of the Haitian masses, but of placing Haiti yet again under the direct control of one or another imperialist power to suppress dissent in the poorest country in the Western hemisphere and secure the strategic interests of finance capital..."

No Foreign Occupation! Defend Haiti!


NDPP wrote:

No Foreign Occupation! Defend Haiti!

Haitian Canadians should be sent to Haiti to defend the country against foreign invaders!
Slava Haiti!


Time for Trudeau to Follow His Own Advice on Haiti

"What is the name of someone who speaks the words people want to believe but then does the exact opposite? Politician, statesman, hypocrite, Justin Trudeau?"



"Take one minute to stand in solidarity with the Haitian people by emailing Canada's foreign minister and opposition critics to say, 'NO CANADIAN MILITARY INTERVENTION IN HAITI.'


Later in the day, a report from UN agencies and international aid groups said a record 4.7 million people in Haiti are facing acute hunger, including 19,000 in catastrophic famine conditions for the first time, all in the gang-controlled Cite Soleil slum of Port-au-Prince.

It is also becoming a crisis for women. The United Nations Population Fund said Friday that 30,000 pregnant women are at risk because roughly three-fourths of Haiti's hospitals are unable to provide services due to a lack of fuel.

In addition, gangs are increasingly raping women and girls, as well as boys and to some extent men, to exert and retain control over territory, according to a UN Human Rights report released Friday.

Helen La Lime, the top UN official in Haiti, told reporters that human rights abuses including rape and sexual assault have reached alarming levels.

"The testimonies of victims are truly horrible," she said. "This must stop."

Arnaud Gustave Royer, with the UN's Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner, noted that one woman saw gangs execute her husband and was then raped by several armed men in front of her four children for several hours.

"Rape becomes a weapon, a tactic for gangs," he said, adding that the acts committed are extremely violent and done in front of family members to humiliate victims.

Gangs, who control an estimated 60 per cent of Port-au-Prince, have raped children as young as 10 and elderly women as well, according to the UN report.

In one case, a 12-year-old boy was raped by five individuals who just minutes before had raped his older sister during gang clashes in April, the UN said: "A few days later, his body was found, with a gunshot wound to the head, laying on a pile of garbage in an abandoned area."


U.S. and Canada Send Armored Vehicles to Haiti 

The U.S. and Canada have shipped military equipment, including tactical and armored vehicles, to Haiti amid a mounting security crisis. This comes after the government of U.S.-backed Prime Minister Ariel Henry called for international involvement to combat gang activity. The U.N. warned last week a blockade of a major fuel terminal by gangs was compounding food insecurity for millions of people, with 19,000 Haitians already experiencing famine. Thousands took to the streets of Port-au-Prince last week in opposition to foreign military aid and intervention. Demands are also mounting for Henry’s resignation. This comes as Haiti is facing a fresh cholera outbreak, with prisons particularly vulnerable to large clusters of cases. 


U.N. Secretary-General Calls for “Armed Action” in Haiti

The United Nations is calling for “armed action” in Haiti amid worsening violence and instability as gangs continue to control much of the country. A weeklong blockade of a key port in Port-au-Prince by gangs has led to a critical shortage of fuel, food and water for millions of people and has hindered efforts to respond to a new outbreak of cholera in Haiti. U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres addressed the crisis Monday.

Secretary-General António Guterres: “It’s an absolutely nightmarish situation for the population of Haiti, especially Port-au-Prince. … I believe that we need not only to strengthen the police, strengthening it with training, with equipment, with a number of other measures, but that in the present circumstances we need an armed action to release the port and to allow for a humanitarian corridor to be established.”


Haitian Protesters Reject Foreign Troops and Demand Resignation of PM Ariel Henry

The United States and Canada shipped military equipment to Haiti over the weekend after the government of U.S.-backed Prime Minister Ariel Henry called for international involvement to combat gang activity. People have taken to the streets in response, protesting foreign military aid and occupation, and demanding the resignation of Henry. This is a protester in Port-au-Prince.

Protester: “No to the Canadians. No to the Americans. You are monsters. You don’t have solutions. You are chaos. You are behind the gangsterization of crime. You are giving arms to our brothers.”


Gangs in Haiti Are US Created, Funded & Protected

"Gangs in Haiti are US created, funded and protected. Their invisible leaders are white warlords who live up in the mountains of Port-au-Prince, and in Florida. Corrupt media do not mention these warlords due to collusion with corrupt politicians in US, Canada & EU."


laine lowe laine lowe's picture

Can you imagine how much better the last two decades would have been for Haiti had Aristide not been ousted by the US and their allies? Who are the real criminals that deserve to be prosecuted for crimes against humanity?


The answer to your question is obvious. Russians are the real criminals that deserve to be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. Don't we have enough whataboutism on this board already without trying to discredit the US once again. Going back twenty years ignores that history started in February of 2022. Any crime against humanity committed before that date is not to be raised, except by tankies.


No To Foreign Military Intervention in Haiti! Yes, to Haitian Self-Determination!

"The Haitian people are united in their opposition to occupation of their country. The US and its Core Group allies are once again using the UN to legitimize their latest invasion scheme. The PRC and RF can use their Security Council veto power to say no and delegitimize any new acts of aggression against Haiti..."
