Ontario Unveils $12.8 B Darlington Nuclear Refurbishment

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Ontario Unveils $12.8 B Darlington Nuclear Refurbishment

Ontario Unveils $12.8 B Darlington Nuclear Refurbishment


"Work to begin in October with all 4 reactors revamped by 2026. 'Proceeding with the refurbishment at Darlington will ensure that nuclear continues to be Ontario's single largest source of power,' said Energy Minister Bob Chiarelli

'Refurbishing Darlington is an investment in Ontario,' said OPG president and CEO Jeffrey Lyash. 'It's good for the customers, it's good for the economy and it's good for the environment.

Greenpeace Canada is concerned about possible accidents at nuclear generating stations and says refurbishing the aging reactors at Darlington is not worth the risk..."


Nuclear Radiation, Kierkegaard and the Philosophy of Denial  -  by Chris Busby


"Kierkegaard said of belief that it becomes stronger the more impossible and threatened it is. And this seems to be rapidly becoming true in the case of nuclear energy. The torture imposed on logic, reason and observational data by the advocates of nuclear power has now reached the level of clinical psychosis.

A psychosis is a thought disorder in which reality testing is grossly impaired. There is so much evidence that nuclear power kills, causes cancer, mutates populations, reduces fertility and kills babies, that only a mad person would continue with the belief that it is a good thing and should be pursued no matter what the cost in money and death..."


Stop The Great Lakes Nuclear Dump: Petition


"OPG, a multi-billion dollar power-generation company, is seeking approval to build a nuclear waste dump 1 km from the shores of Lake Huron. Minister McKenna is expected to make a decision by March, 1, 2016..."


Great Lakes Nuclear Waste Dump: The Battle Continues  -  by Joyce Nelson


"Opposition to the proposed nuclear waste facility by Lake Huron continues to grow. By the end of 2015, at least 182 communities (representing more than 22 million people) on both sides of the US-Canada border have adopted resolutions opposing the plan by OPG for storage of low and intermediate level radioactive nuclear waste.

A Canadian federal panel approved the nuclear waste dump in May, 2015, accepting testimony that Lake Huron would be large enough to dilute any radioactive pollution that might leak from the DGR.

The proposed DGR would be located on the territory of the Saugeen First Nation, which is in the process of evaluating the proposal..."


Store the waste under Queen's Park. Then, let's see who votes to continue supporting nuclear energy.


Darlington Re-Build Project Already Over-Budget


"Why should we pay 16.5 cents per KWh for nuclear power - and likely more - when we can import water power from Quebec for 5 cents per KWh? 

Please put this question to Premier Wynne and cc other leaders..."