Canadian military

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Liberals' Massive Increase in Defence Spending is a Budgetary Coup  -  by Murray Dobbin

"The arrogance of power could scarcely be more dramatically demonstrated than by the tag team of Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland and Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan announcing that Canada was going to cave in to Donald Trump's demand that we spend two per cent of GDP on defence..."


War Must Be Part of Canada's Future, Foreign Minister Declares

"The speech delivered by Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland in the House of Commons Tuesday marks a major escalation in the Liberal government's efforts to aggressively assert Canada's imperialist interests on the world stage.

Freeland's speech set the stage for Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan's presentation of Canada' new defence policy yesterday..."



Trump says "Jump!" and Trudeau whimpers, "How high?"

Canada to boost military budget by 70% after pressure from US to spend more


1st Canadian Troops Arrive To Start Mission in Latvia

"Over coming days, 450 Canadians to arrive in NATO effort to discourage Russian aggression."

Or to encourage NATO's...


We agreed to spend 2% but we don't; we ought to abide by our word when given.

We don't spend the money we have properly and effeciently. We're quite wasteful with how we spend what we have.  In example; imagine seeing $6000 worth of whiteboards purchased (including important uses such as writing down canteen prices) yet $400 worth of equipment tie-down straps gets denied (ever see what happens when you move heavy equipment with shitty straps?)

Our equipment is very dated and worn out. Our pistols are over 70 years old. If your life doesn't depend on it you won't give a shit  but imagine trusting a beat up and ratty 70 year old seatbelt.

The 450 soldiers in latvia is just politics, dog and pony shows and a safe way for some soldiers to get shiny new medals. Just like Iraq.


Mr. Magoo

Or to encourage NATO's...

NATO:  "Alright.  All we need is another 450 poorly equipped troops and we can invade Russia once and for all!"



NATO and Partners Hold Land, Sea Exercises in Eastern Europe

Britain leads 4,000 NATO troops to Russia's doorstep ready for WW3 wargames


NATO Wants Canadians Back in Afghanistan: Sajjan

"The request came from the US through NATO, and could involve either civilian police trainers like the RCMP, or military trainers working with Afghan police, a defence official added. Sajjan says Canada is looking at all aspects of support for Afghanistan..."


Liberals Silence Opposition By Fulfilling Their Defence Spending Promises

"The Liberals announced $62-billion in defence spending this week but you wouldn't know it listening to question period. The NDP devoted no questions - out of 33 - on defence spending..."


In Canada basic training lasts around 12 weeks and for combat soldiers another 16 weeks, which is at the more lenghtly end of training times for NATO countries.  We've been trying to train the Iraq and Afghanistan army for close to 20 years, not to sound defeatist but maybe we're doing something wrong.

It's clever how the budget only really "kicks in" after the next election.  Considering how much the Liberals deficit promise balloned after the last election (trippled? quadrupeled? what they promised) I'm willing to bet that 62 billion to the military gets slashed significantly lol

They're just pandering to conservative voters knowing full well they can do whatever they want and traditionally left wing voters will not go conservative. Also it keeps the US and NATO off our back for the state our military is in.


Paladin1 wrote:

In Canada basic training lasts around 12 weeks and for combat soldiers another 16 weeks, which is at the more lenghtly end of training times for NATO countries.  We've been trying to train the Iraq and Afghanistan army for close to 20 years, not to sound defeatist but maybe we're doing something wrong.

It sounds simple enough to me. The problem is that no matter who you train a large portion of them end up seeing you and the rest of the NATO troops as invaders, so they join the other side or just go home. The ones who stay are not necesarily the cream of the crop and in many areas of the country they are considered collaborators.

The root of the problem is in believing that we can train people to control their fellow citizens on behalf of foreign powers. Its never going to work because it is a flawed idea.

Michael Moriarity

kropotkin1951 wrote:

The root of the problem is in believing that we can train people to control their fellow citizens on behalf of foreign powers. Its never going to work because it is a flawed idea.

Very true, K, but sadly, most North Americans don't seem to believe that is what we are doing. They actually believe the obvious lie that we are trying to train Iraqis and Afghans to defend democracy in their own, independent countries. Perhaps paladin even believes this.


Serbia Sues NATO Over 1999 Bombing

"Serbia is launching a lawsuit against NATO over the 1999 bombing."


(1999) Canada's Military Boasts of its Role in Bombardment of Yugoslavia

"Canadian pilots participated in fully ten percent of all bambing missions against Yugoslavia."

The lawsuit by a daughter of Gadaffi would also involve Canada. 


kropotkin1951 wrote:

Paladin1 wrote:

In Canada basic training lasts around 12 weeks and for combat soldiers another 16 weeks, which is at the more lenghtly end of training times for NATO countries.  We've been trying to train the Iraq and Afghanistan army for close to 20 years, not to sound defeatist but maybe we're doing something wrong.

It sounds simple enough to me. The problem is that no matter who you train a large portion of them end up seeing you and the rest of the NATO troops as invaders, so they join the other side or just go home. The ones who stay are not necesarily the cream of the crop and in many areas of the country they are considered collaborators.

The root of the problem is in believing that we can train people to control their fellow citizens on behalf of foreign powers. Its never going to work because it is a flawed idea.


I'd wager the problem is culture, theirs and ours. 

In so far as theirs goes I think it's incompatable with ours. We don't act, think, behave alike. We can put a multicam uniform on them, give them an M4 assault rifle, train them in our doctrines but at the end of the day there's a good chance they're still going to stand up and blindly fire off bullets, oblivious to incoming fire. Why?  InShaAllah, if God wills it.  Their views on honour compared to ours, our views on sexual relations with minors compared to theirs.  Our cultures are drastically different and don't overlay well.

As for our culture we have a predisposition to just throw money at problems. Afghan contractors would make a deal to do some construction work, show up, then immediately sit down in protest and demand more money. Sometimes they would threaten to go work with the Taliban if we didn't pay them whatever they wanted.  Army and Police would expect then demand presents and gifts. While there are some aspects of their culture we can't or couldn't change we did manage to teach them to be materialist and greedy.

Mr. Magoo

but at the end of the day there's a good chance they're still going to stand up and blindly fire off bullets, oblivious to incoming fire. Why?  InShaAllah, if God wills it.  Their views on honour compared to ours, our views on sexual relations with minors compared to theirs.  Our cultures are drastically different and don't overlay well.

I actually value your posts when you say that we shouldn't be banning weapons based solely on how "bad-ass" they look.

But what's this?  You may have lost sight of the mission, soldier.


Mr. Magoo wrote:

but at the end of the day there's a good chance they're still going to stand up and blindly fire off bullets, oblivious to incoming fire. Why?  InShaAllah, if God wills it.  Their views on honour compared to ours, our views on sexual relations with minors compared to theirs.  Our cultures are drastically different and don't overlay well.

I actually value your posts when you say that we shouldn't be banning weapons based solely on how "bad-ass" they look.

But what's this?  You may have lost sight of the mission, soldier.


Could you explain what you mean good sir?

For my part I don't think our training of them was very successful. The Iraq army, for example, was trained by the US (and allied) military including by very intelligent top tier special forces. They were given equipment that puts the Canadian Armed Forces to shame. (seriously, they're way better equipped to us down to their boots) 

When an out numbered rag tag band of an unheard of group called ISIS attacked, the Iraq forces folded and ran away. Litterally dropepd their guns and ran.  Now the US and friends are back and we're told we need to commit resources money and peoplepower (notice I didn't say manpower) to train them, again.  What the heck were we doing for 17 years?  The same with Afghanistan. After all the money resources limbs and lives we pumped into there we're being asked to go back to help train them more? At what point will we say enough is enough, the training mission is a failure. Either go into full invasion mode or leave them alone.

As for the culture thing I've mentioned it before the position our forces are put into while there. Ordered to hand prisoners over to the local police but the police will just murder them.  Afghan officer is having sex with a 12 or 14 year old boy, largely against his will, in full earshot of allied soldiers. Get involved and stop it from happening or ignore it because it's in their culture?   This soldier chose the former and was discharged from the military for it.


Mr. Magoo

Could you explain what you mean good sir?

To borrow from Game of Thrones, "I'm not a ser".  But all I mean is that you seem to be generalizing pretty willy-nilly here, and based pretty much solely on religion or nationality.  Saying "Oh, those Afghani recruits are cowards" isn't really helping advance anyone's understanding of what's going on.

Afghan officer is having sex with a 12 or 14 year old boy, largely against his will, in full earshot of allied soldiers.

Yes, this.


Paladin you missed the main point of my post. You are getting the dregs of the Afghan society because no self respecting human being from any country works for a foreign government to subjegate their own people.  Their is no moral high ground in being a collaborator, there never is. 


Mr. Magoo wrote:

Could you explain what you mean good sir?

To borrow from Game of Thrones, "I'm not a ser".  But all I mean is that you seem to be generalizing pretty willy-nilly here, and based pretty much solely on religion or nationality.  Saying "Oh, those Afghani recruits are cowards" isn't really helping advance anyone's understanding of what's going on.


I've never seen Game of Thrones so that one is over my head ;)

I didn't mean to imply they're cowards, I don't believe they are at all. If anything they do some pretty brave(read reckless) shit which sort of makes some of them look fearless.  In my opinion them turning tail and running (in the example I gave) is less of a reflection of cowardice than I believe it is a reflection of their training. Lots of factors come into play. Battle innoculation, training, leadership (and lack there of), level of supply (are their cigarettes smoked 3/4 of the way and discarded or smoked right down to the butt). Equipment and support available (these guys had air support and artillery on call).  Lots of reasons why someone would run away BUT considering the amount of time training and resources we invested, it shouldn't have happened with the speed and scale it did.  One might almost conclude that it was orchastrated (I'm not a tin foil hat guy but it seems like a more logical reason for what happened).

We're seeing the same issues in Afghanistan. I think it there needs to be some serious questions asked if we're going to buy into the idea that we need to go back and give them more "training". They're not a democracy and their not a western military.


Probably best we don't "buy into the idea that we need to go back..."


Trump Praises Trudeau For Canada's Increased Military Spending

"President Trump praised Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Friday for Canada's announcement it will bolster its military spending, according to the White House. The plan increases Canada's defense budget by 70 percent over the next decade."

Good vassal. Good doggie!


Canada's Top General Keeping Door Open to F-35s

"The chief of the defence staff says he is keeping the F-35 fighter jet on the table as a suitable option to bolster the air force's fleet, despite the Liberal's campaign promise not to buy the jet. The F-35 program has been embroiled in controversy since the Conservative government announced its intention to purchase them in 2010."


New Mission Against ISIS Won't Include Sending Troops To Syria: Sajjan

"Canada's 200 Special Forces soldiers involved in the fight against ISIS are restricted to operating inside Iraq. But Canada also has a surveillance plane and refuelling aircraft involved in the mission." [Assisting US coalition bombing]


Canada Quiet On Russian Threat To Shoot Down Jets in Syria

"There are fears that Canadian military aircraft operating [illegally] over Syria could be caught in the middle of a new and potentially explosive dispute between the US and Russia..."


Canadian Elite Special Forces Sniper Sets Record-Breaking Kill Shot in Iraq

Aren't you proud Canada? JTF2 sniper 'killed IS insurgent in Iraq from a distance of 3,450 meters in a feat one military insider says may 'never be equaled."

The RCMP 'ERT' sniper at Gustafsen Lake was somewhat less lucky with  his 'kill-shot' attempts against a Secwepemc Sundancer 'target of opportunity' on his way to bathe in an agreed upon 'no shoot zone' in Sept 1995.  The special rifle was requested and obtained for the RCMP from the Canadian military as per a request from BC's NDP AG/Minister of Human Rights Ujjal Dosanjh, to Solicitor General Herb Gray requesting arms for use against Shuswap Sundancers at Gustafsen Lake.

'I must, therefore, ask that you requisition the following additional equipment from the Canadian Forces: Four (4) .50 calibre McMillan sniper rifles, complete with 4x40 Leupold scopes, accessories and ammunition. Your urgent attention and consideration is appreciated..." Letter Dosanjh to Gray, Sept 1995.

10: 55




Gotta admit that's a pretty skilled shot. Strange though considering we're peacekeepers and only in Iraq as a training role ;)


Saudi Arabia Top Non-US Destination For Canadian Arms Exports: Federal Report

"Just the fact that the top recipient of Canadian military goods is what is known to be one of the worst human rights violators in the world [and sponsors/funders of international terrorism] must in my view raise questions about the purported strength of Canadian military export controls and the country's commitment to the protection and promotion of human rights internationally ,' said Cesar Jaramillo..." [Project Ploughshares]


Record Breaking Sniper Shot in Iraq Should Be 'Celebrated' Trudeau Says

"...In an interview on Tuesday, Mulcair said he was 'more than surprised to hear the Canadian prime minister say that the killing of another human being is something that should be celebrated. 'The skills of our troops are something that we can all recognize, and that's one thing,' he said. But to use the word 'celebrate' in relation to the killing of another human being doesn't reflect my values."

Statement By Nycole Turmel on Death of Muammar Gaddafi

"Our troops have done a wonderful job in Libya over the past few months. I want to salute the efforts and courage of our troops."

How does bombing a country back to the stone age, safely esconced in a supersonic jetplane high above the unfortunates murdered by your bombs, possibly by any stretch of the imagination, constitute 'courage'?  And Mulcair epitomizes the liberal imperialist sensibility. The 'word' is the problem. Not the act aka 'skills of our troops'. What does he think JTF2 is trained to do, especially with a .50 cal sniper rifle, if not to kill? The NDP will never produce a Corbyn only parodies by bad actors . 


Canada To Extend Anti-ISIS Mission By 2 Years

"Canada is extending its military mission against ISIS by two years. Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan and Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland announced the renewed contribution to the international coalition today in a news release. The mission, which will continue the 'advise and assist' role, will now go to March 31, 2019.

'Our new defence policy has made it very clear that Canada is ready and willing to do its part for the global community,' Sajjan said in a statement. 'This includes confronting security issues that threaten our shores and those of our allies and partners..."

Canada follows American imperialism into the quagmire of Middle East geopolitics once again. 


NDPP wrote:

Canada To Extend Anti-ISIS Mission By 2 Years

"Canada is extending its military mission against ISIS by two years. Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan and Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland announced the renewed contribution to the international coalition today in a news release. The mission, which will continue the 'advise and assist' role, will now go to March 31, 2019.

'Our new defence policy has made it very clear that Canada is ready and willing to do its part for the global community,' Sajjan said in a statement. 'This includes confronting security issues that threaten our shores and those of our allies and partners..."

Canada follows American imperialism into the quagmire of Middle East geopolitics once again. 

I could have sworn that there was an election in 2015 and that Stephen Harper lost. My mistake.


Canada's Liberal Government Extends Participation in Mideast War to 2019

"...Canada's role in the latest US-led war in the Middle East is aimed both at strengthening its alliance with Washington, far and away its most important economic and military - security partner, and ensuring Ottawa has a 'seat at the table' in the reordering of the region.

The lack of any opposition from within the political establishment to this disgusting outpouring of enthusiasm for Canadian military violence shows that all of the major parties are fully behind the wardrive..."



DND Refuses To Discuss Combat Status of Canadian Exchange Officers

"National Defence...refused to disclose how many, if any, are involved in US operations in Syria..."


Canada Funds European Based Missile Defence Program...

"The Canadian government will contribute $77.9 million toward alliance operations and an additional $60.1 million to NATO investment programs in the current budget year. Since the missile money goes into a common fund, National Defence and NATO say they do not have a precise tally of how many Canadian dollars have been allocated to the development of the system, which has limited direct benefit for the Canadian military."


Flexing Military Might is Capitulation To Trump, Despite Liberal Spin: McQaig

"The prime minister's pledge to hike military spending by a whopping 70 per cent over 10 years succeeded in winning praise from Trump while going largely unnoticed by Canadians.

That might be because Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland had just delivered a theatrical speech to Parliament that proclaimed Canada's determination to find its own way in the world, now that Trump had decided to 'shrug off the burden of world leadership."

In Canada especially, PT Barnum was right: 'There's a sucker born every minute.'


Canadian Military Aircraft Have Not Flown in Syria For Weeks: Commander

"Canadian military aircraft involved in the fight against Islamic State militants have not flown over Syria for the past few weeks, though a senior officer denied any links Friday to Russian threats. Tensions erupted last month after Moscow warned that it would track allied aircraft operating west of the Euphrates river in Syria as potential targets in retaliation for the US shooting down a Syrian government jet.

National Defence refused at the time to say whether there was any concern for the Canadian military surveillance or refuelling planes flying over Syria and Iraq as part of the US-led anti-ISIL coalition."

No mention of the fact that the coalition's presence in Syria constitutes  a serious breach of international law.


Canada Promotes Recruitment of Transgender Troops As Donald Trump Imposes Military Bans

"Canadian Armed Forces tweet 'Join us!' after US president announces plan for expulsion."

Another one for the 'nice Canada!' equal opportunity killing machine file.


NDPP wrote:

Canada Promotes Recruitment of Transgender Troops As Donald Trump Imposes Military Bans

"Canadian Armed Forces tweet 'Join us!' after US president announces plan for expulsion."

Another one for the 'nice Canada!' equal opportunity killing machine file.

Maybe Justin Trudeau can arrange a "selfie" with the new recruits from the US and that Canadian sniper with the record distance murder? I'm sure the "internet" will go gaga over that picture.


Canadian Warships Join 'Freedom of Navigation' Exercises in South China Sea

"As part of its efforts to deepen its long-standing strategic alliance with Washington, the Trudeau government has largely fallen into line behind Washington's anti-China stance and signaled that in the event of a military clash Canada will stand with the US."

Sean in Ottawa

More spending from Canada on defence could be argued as something the Liberals had no choice. However, to make that argument the Liberals could have attached it to something -- say like a trade negotiation. Instead it was given for free while the Trump Administration is threatening Canada with protectionism.

Canada's department of defence could refocus and expand to address all threats to Canada we want to defend from -- and that includes the environment degradation and global warming. Then double the budget and tell Trump he is defending against the wrong things but we are spending money on defence.



I found the military trying to capatalize on Trumps tweets to be embarassing and juvinile. The military should work on fixing it's problems (and court cases) with sexual harassment and assault before acting like it's a haven of inclusion.

Mr. Magoo

Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

Is Canada literally no better?  I'm not asking whether we're perfect -- I'm asking whether we AT LEAST let transgender citizens serve.  Some countries are "better" than other countries in various specific regards, even as NONE of them is across-the-board perfect.


Wow! I can't believe how Canadians come to the defence of a twisted violent evil heinous organization who's only intent is to kill and destroy people's lives because it's perceived to be "inclusive"!  I can't believe so many people are comfortable with the crimes Canada commits/committed and will continue to. If transgender people want to go kill people then guess what? They're war pigs! They're imperialist mindless puppets and if they step on a land mine in Afghanistan we'll then they deserved it just like every other war pig. 


Actually a lot of people sign up because there are no other jobs to be had. I know there are some goofballs who join up for other reasons, but I have more sympathy for those in the military (and their families)  than anything. And no one deserves to step on a land mine.

And Paladin, I presume you mean our military's response? Yeah, I agree that was better left unsaid.

Now what Mattis said afterwards? That was absolutely necessary.



6079_Smith_W wrote:

Actually a lot of people sign up because there are no other jobs to be had. I know there are some goofballs who join up for other reasons, but I have more sympathy for those in the military (and their families)  than anything. And no one deserves to step on a land mine.

Have no job? No problem get a job killing people. Who knew killing people was such a fantastic job opportunity? And ya if you try to kill someone and get killed, you damn straight you deserved it! Those Canadian soldiers stepping on land mines in Afghanistan weren't there to sell the Afghanistinians vacuum cleaners or install low flush toilets, they were there to kill people. I guess you didn't see the guns they were carrying? Or maybe you thought the guns were vacuum cleaners?


That's a simplistic and not entirely accurate way of looking at things.

But more to the point, how you feel about the army is unrelated to the fact that if LGBT people want to join the military they should be able to do so without harrassment. Ultimately this is a question of compliance with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

I might not like team sports; I still think it is important that those in those fields not discriminate.



Canada To Beef Up Police Presence in Iraq After Fall of Mosul

"This increase will enable Canada, as a member of the global coalition against Daesh, to build key capacities in Iraqi security institutions."


Mr. Magoo wrote:

Is Canada literally no better?  I'm not asking whether we're perfect -- I'm asking whether we AT LEAST let transgender citizens serve.  Some countries are "better" than other countries in various specific regards, even as NONE of them is across-the-board perfect.

We do yes. The couple that I know have said they have had positive experiences. Ièm working with someone who was a female last year and male this year and no one seems to care.

WWWTT wrote:

Have no job? No problem get a job killing people. Who knew killing people was such a fantastic job opportunity? And ya if you try to kill someone and get killed, you damn straight you deserved it! Those Canadian soldiers stepping on land mines in Afghanistan weren't there to sell the Afghanistinians vacuum cleaners or install low flush toilets, they were there to kill people. I guess you didn't see the guns they were carrying? Or maybe you thought the guns were vacuum cleaners?

I wouldnt be so bold as to suggest I know what trans people go through but I would wager a guess that they have enough on their plate that they dont need someone, from rabble none the less, saying they deserve to step on land mines. Thats a really theatrical post WWWTT.



'Steadfast Pinnacle 2017'

"Dozens of NATO commanders flock to Latvia for war games. A 1100-strong battlegroup led by Canada is stationed in Latvia. In mid-July, Russian envoy to NATO Alexander Grishko said the alliance is pushing for 'an intensive mastering of the potential theater of military operations, accompanied by a development of the necessary infrastructure.'

Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier said that Moscow will not remain silent facing emergency threats on its western borders..."


Policy Says US Will Not Defend Canada From Ballistic Missile Attack: General

"The deputy commander of NORAD says under current US policy, the American military would not defend Canada in the event of a ballistic missile attack. Lt-Gen Pierre St Armand's comments come as the House of Commons' defence committee holds hearings into whether Canada is ready for an attack by North Korea.

They also appear to confirm the worst fears of many people who believe it is time for Canada to join the US ballistic missile defence shield..."

LOL and propaganda meant to prod Canada into contributing more Canucklbucks to US Military Industrial Complex.


RE: Post 97 -- Saw this in the National Post as well.   Hilariously bad.   A missile defence shield that doesn't work to protect us from missiles that aren't coming.   Thanks as well for the word "Canucklbucks", I am going to add that to my vocabulary.


On Target: Canada Is No Longer A Peacekeeping Nation  -  by Scott Taylor

"While Canada has gotten completely out of the peacekeeping game, we have continued to deploy our combat forces to global hot spots for the purpose of training foreign belligerents."

But the mythology continues...


Mobo2000 wrote:

RE: Post 97 -- Saw this in the National Post as well.   Hilariously bad.   A missile defence shield that doesn't work to protect us from missiles that aren't coming.   Thanks as well for the word "Canucklbucks", I am going to add that to my vocabulary.

Even if an ICBM was on its way, there's no defence against something moving at 6-7km/second! 7km/second=25,200km/hr. They also achieve an altitude of 1,000km.

This is probably a cover for another military weapons experiment or deployment.

Aaron James Aaron James's picture

Pondering wrote:

I had no idea this was happening so I thought a thread to track Canadian military activity would be useful.

A first in the history of the RCN, HMCS Vancouver fired the missile off the coast of California while conducting a Joint Littoral Training Exercise (JoLTEX) with the U.S. Navy.

Beforehand, the Halifax-class frigate could only fire its BOFOR 57 mm Mk2 gun at land targets up to 17 kilometres. With the Harpoon Block II, it can now hit a target at up to 124 kilometres with more precision. The Canadian frigate can carry more than eight Harpoons onboard.

Made by Boeing, the Harpoon Block II is an anti-ship missile that can execute both land-strike and anti-ship missions. It is packed with more than 500 pounds of explosive and employs a GPS-aided inertial navigation system (INS) to strike land targets and docked ships.


The Boeing Harpoon Block II can also be fired from the F/A-18E Super Hornet multirole fighter. This is another reason why I believe the Super Hornet would be ideal for replacing the ageing the CF-188 Hornets.

This picture gives me chills. Canada has no need of this.

This information is from a Huffington blogger.

Jonathan Wade - Military and Foreign Affairs Specialist. Combat Veteran of Afghanistan. Specializing on Russia, Canada and the Arctic.

I googled it and found the only main news source to report on it seems to be the CBC four days ago.

Boeing and General Electric also jointly manufactured the Apachi Gunship that killed maimed children and killed Reuters journalists as exposed by Chelsea Manning with the help of Julian Assange Wikileaks;

Our family has received assassination threats from members of the Canadian military tied to CSIS (Canadian secret intelligence Service) as result our online reporting of their malfeasance, including but not limited to Canada JTF's role in aide and abetting of CIA in the torture of Afghan detainees abroad in Bagram and Kandahar; (Threatening CSIS perpetrator: David MacDonald of 17 Wing Base Winnipeg - undercover CSIS and RCMP officer - who suggested I wouldn't LIVE very long in providing further disclosure on Canada's role in the target of our family through the international intelligence circuits; As I provide in the following:

Linda James 204 889 9134
Aaron James

Our ordeal as tied Julian Assange - same nest of CIA target both of us - evidence /detail in these 2 links

Our ordeal as tied Arar

Prime Minister Trudeau's silence in our ordeal

Government abandon

Spot light foreign Affairs/ACLU abandon

Media censorship/suppression (media blackout CIA* controlled)
