Youth-led global climate change protests

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Youth-led global climate change protests

Fed up with the lack of action by adults on climate change, students in 1301 protests in 99 countries around the world are planning to protest on March 15th and May 3rd to protest the failure of previous generations including those currently in power to deal with the global existential problem of the 21st century, one that will have a greater impact on youth than any previous generation. The protests are open to people of all ages. It all started with a 15 year old girl with autism, Greta Thunberg, protesting alone outside the Swedish parliament last August and has avalanched into a worldwide movement that has already staged several protests. 

Below is a list of the number of protests in each of the 99 countries where protests will be staged.



By clicking on the circles on the global map of the url below, you can find a March 15th Fridays For Future climate change protest near you, including 42 in Canada.



Greta Thunberg, schoolgirl climate change warrior: ‘Some people can let things go. I can't’

Greta Thunberg … ‘I have always been that girl in the back who doesn’t say anything.’

Greta Thunberg cut a frail and lonely figure when she started a school strike for the climate outside the Swedish parliament building last August. Her parents tried to dissuade her. Classmates declined to join. Passersby expressed pity and bemusement at the sight of the then unknown 15-year-old sitting on the cobblestones with a hand-painted banner.

Eight months on, the picture could not be more different. The pigtailed teenager is feted across the world as a model of determination, inspiration and positive action. National presidents and corporate executives line up to be criticised by her, face to face. Her skolstrejk för klimatet (school strike for climate) banner has been translated into dozens of languages. And, most striking of all, the loner is now anything but alone.

On March 15, when she returns to the cobblestones (as she has done almost every Friday in rain, sun, ice and snow), it will be as a figurehead for a vast and growing movement. The global climate strike this Friday is gearing up to be one of the biggest environmental protests the world has ever seen. As it approaches, Thunberg is clearly excited.

“It’s amazing,” she says. “It’s more than 71 countries and more than 700 places, and counting. It’s increasing very much now, and that’s very, very fun.”.....



Global Student Strike 4 Climate!- Lekwungen Territory

March 15,  12 PM – 2 PM

British Columbia Parliament Buildings

This action is taking place on the unceded homeland of the Lekwungen peoples of Songhees and Esquimault nation and we acknowledge that the climate crisis is a by-product of colonialism and capitalism which Indigenous peoples have resisted since first contact and which settler allies seek to resist, confront and transform in our daily lives as guests on these sacred territories.



In Montréal, 12 h 45  - Au sud du Monument George-Étienne Cartier du Parc du Mont-Royal

That is the monument with the Angel - and the tam-tams.

Yes, I'm going, though I was also at environmental demos in the 1970s. I hope I can find my ecosocialist badge.


..i'm hearing 100 of thousands striking. i have a busy day ahead of me but will post when i can. starting with this. :)

Düsseldorf, Germany


Trafalgar Square



Tens Of Thousands Of Quebec Students Are On Strike Today To Demand Action On Climate Change (Photos & Videos)

Earlier today, at least 65,000 Quebec students skipped school to take part in a province-wide protest demanding action on climate change. Protests and marches will also be held in 100 other countries across the world, with high school and university students walking out of class to pressure political leaders to adopt more comprehensive environmental policies.

The worldwide march was first inspired by 16-year old Greta Thunberg of Sweden, whose speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos went viral and inspired millions to follow her lead in activism.

Today, March 15, events are planned across Quebec in cities such as Montreal, Quebéc City, Sherbrooke, Saguenay, Joliette, Rimsouski, Baie-Comeau, Gaspé, Sept-Iles and more.


Organizers now estimate 1 million people have gone on strike worldwide, to protest inaction on climate change.



Pictured below are students protesting outside Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office in San Francisco, California. Both Pelosi and her fellow Democratic lawmaker, US Senator Diane Feinstein, have been criticized by climate change protesters.


The climate strikers’ urgency has inspired me to call a UN summit


My generation has failed to respond properly to the dramatic challenge of climate change. This is deeply felt by young people. No wonder they are angry.

Despite years of talk, global emissions are reaching record levels and show no sign of peaking. The concentration of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is the highest it has been in 3m years. The last four years were the four hottest on record, and winter temperatures in the Arctic have risen by 3-4°C in the last 50 years. Sea levels are rising, coral reefs are dying and we are starting to see the life-threatening impact of climate change on health, through air pollution, heatwaves and risks to food security.

Thankfully, we have the Paris agreement – a visionary, viable, forward-looking policy framework that sets out exactly what needs to be done to stop climate disruption and reverse its impact. But the agreement itself is meaningless without ambitious action.

That is why I am bringing world leaders together at a climate action summit later this year. I am calling on all leaders to come to New York in September with concrete, realistic plans to enhance their nationally determined contributions by 2020, in line with reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 45% over the next decade, and to net zero by 2050.



Prague, Czech Republic


..the original is in french. this is chromium translated. 

Several NGOs sign a platform "For a climate and social spring"

Will the climate protests become employee demonstrations for more social justice? In any case, the bet of various NGOs and trade unions that sign this Wednesday a forum entitled "For a climate and social spring". Among the signatories ATTAC, Oxfam and the CGT

"On March 16, we will be on the streets, at the call of hundreds of organizations and trade unions, citizen movements, yellow vests.Whether we work for the climate, for social justice or against police violence and against all the racism that plagues society and institutions, we will walk together. We will denounce the effects of a financial capitalism that explodes social inequalities and that increasingly exploits nature, without taking into account the ecological disasters generated. We will denounce all forms of discrimination, the actions of multinationals, banks, financial institutions and government policy, which favors this system while denigrating and repressing the movements that oppose it. We will bring the hope of an egalitarian society, respectful of the dignity of people and our environment, based on cooperation, solidarity and sharing,   

The people, the movements, the organizations that fight in this way are incessantly repressed and violated, sometimes killed. The norm seems to be reversed: those who defend the general interest are treated like criminals. Since the beginning of the yellow vests, the violence has resulted in thousands of injuries, including some seriously, more than 20 mutilations and one death. Generally speaking, we demand truth and justice for all victims of police violence and oppose the use of immobilization techniques and lethal weapons used by the police. We denounce the law "anticasseurs", which attacks the right to protest. This violence is in addition to that of the state, exercised against a large part of its population, against the poorest, against racialized people. against migrants, hunted and treated in unworthy conditions. In a context where racism is progressing, we rise against all forms of discrimination that deprive their victims of their rights to employment, housing, health and education.


First signatories :

  • Action-Aid Peoples Solidarity, Birthe Pedersen, President  
  • Association of Maghrebian Workers of France, Nacer El Idrissi  
  • Association Adéquations, Yveline Nicolas, coordinator  
  • Attac France, Aurélie Trouvé, Spokesperson  
  • BLOOM, Sabine Rosset, General Manager  
  • Carre Geo & Environment France, Ibrahim MBAMOKO, Executive Secretary  
  • CCFD Terre Solidaire, Benoit Faucheux, General Delegate  
  • Water Coordination Île de France, Jean Claude Olliva, Director  
  • International Coalition of the Sans-Papiers and Migrants, integration 21  
  • International Coalition of the Undocumented and Migrant-75, Sissoko Anzoumane  
  • CGT, Philippe Martinez, Secretary General  
  • Truth and Justice Committee for Adama, Youcef Brakni and Assa Traore  
  • Collective Truth and Justice for Ali Ziri, Omar Slaouti  
  • Collective Teachers for the Planet  
  • Collectif Sarthois "For a Land more Human", Georges LEMEE, President  
  • Collective Stolen Lives, Collective Truth and Justice for Lamine Dieng, Ramata Dieng  
  • CRID, Emmanuel Poilane, President  
  • Right to housing, Jean-Baptiste Eyraud, spokesperson  
  • Ende Gelande France  
  • France Nature Environment, Michel Dubromel, President  
  • United Front of Immigrations and Popular Neighborhoods, Said Bouamama  
  • Copernic Foundation, Janette Habel  
  • ELYX Foundation, Yacine AIT KACI, Vice President  
  • France Libertés, Jérémie Chomette, General Delegate  
  • The Movement, Elliot Lepers, General Manager  
  • Human Rights League, Malik Salemcourt, President    
  • Movement against Racism and for Friendship among Peoples, Jean-François Quantin, Co-Chair of MRAP  
  • Our Affair to All, Clotilde Bato, President of Our affair to all  
  • Oxfam France, Cécile Duflot, General Delegate  
  • Faith and Justice Network Africa Europe, Jean-Louis Marolleau, Executive Secretary  
  • Sherpa, Sandra Cossart, Director  
  • SOL, Agroecological and solidarity alternatives, Jacques Godard co-president  
  • Citizen Science, Kevin Jean, President  
  • Union syndicale Solidaires, Eric Beynel, spokesperson  
  • Popular solidarity zone, Paris 18th, Denis Godart  
  • ZEA, Olivier Dubuquoy  
  •, Clémence Dubois, Spokesperson

According to we have already passed way over one million students on school strike today.


Officially more than 150,000 students on in Montreal, the number just came in!!




Youth climate strike: 'a diagnosis being made en masse,' says ER doc


There is a sense of a diagnosis being made, en masse. The children of the world have shunned the system created by adults—the schools, as being inadequate to the moment. They are looking into each other’s eyes, confirming that climate change is an existential threat to their health and well-being, and that their elders have failed to protect them. The leadership of adults is being questioned on an unprecedented global scale.

There is comfort (and inaction) in the feeling that someone, somewhere is probably taking care of things. There is silence and loneliness, particularly for young people who are just feeling their way into adult spaces, in the thought, “this seems horribly off to me, but no one else is saying anything, so maybe I’m wrong.”

That has been stripped away. The scale of the climate crisis and the threat it poses to human life has just been made clear in the starkest possible terms by youthful truth-tellers.

There is tremendous value in stating a diagnosis out loud. In the Emergency Department trauma room, it gets the team on the same page and is the beginning of an adequate plan.

Children are no longer worried and lonely. They have joined forces. They are rising. The youthful leaders of my profession in the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations say this of themselves, “We are too young to know what is impossible. So we do it anyway.” And they do.


Well, I'm not currently a student, and no longer young but I was there! It was HUGE here in Montréal.


Quebec students join global marches to demand climate change action

A human wave of chanting, sign-waving protesters made their way downtown from the base of Montreal's Mount Royal on Friday as they joined a series of student-led marches around the world demanding that government take action on climate change.

A beating drum signalled the beginning of the march, which spanned several city blocks as thousands of students and other protesters denounced what they see as government's failure to take action to stop an impending climate crisis.

Earlier Friday, students formed human chains around six Montreal high schools, forcing the cancellation of morning classes.


"Although individual actions are crucial, the fact is that collective and institutional decisions must be taken to reflect the seriousness of the situation," read a statement by a group of university organizers.

"While the student population is investing in education that is costly in money and time, in precarious conditions accentuated by indebtedness, unpaid internships and a culture of competitive performance, climate change is increasingly threatening the future for which they struggle."

The group said 150,000 students were on strike, representing 120 student associations....


In Canada, Montreal had the largest crowd, an estimated 150,000, attending the Fridays for Future protest of adult inaction on climate change. 


Thousands of protesters continue to flood the streets of Montreal during the march for climate change. Some 150,000 students throughout Quebec province are on strike for the day.

Thousands of protesters continue to flood the streets of Montreal during the march for climate change.  (MARTIN OUELLET-DIOTTE / AFP/GETTY IMAGES)

Tens of thousands of young protesters marched through Montreal on Friday as part of climate change demonstrations taking place around the world.

Marches are also being held in other Canadian cities, including Toronto, Vancouver, St. John'sCharlottetown and Regina, but Montreal's appears to have been the largest.

Greenpeace estimated the crowd to be be at more than 150,000 people.



Today there were 2,052 events in 123 countries as part of the student led and Greta Thunberg inspired Fridays for Future school strikes to protest the lack of action on climate change. 


Graphic showing number of protests worldwide 15.3.2019 EN



Here are Greenpeace's favourite pictures of the March 15 Fridays For Future global student strikes for climate change.



On March 14th, the day before the 1.4 million Friday for Future student strike protest to promote action on global warming, Greta Thunberg was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. She started the movement that led to 2,052 protests in 123 countries the next day. 

Greta Thunberg, the founder of the Youth Strike for Climate movement, has been nominated for the Nobel peace prize, just before the biggest day yet of global action.

Thunberg began a solo protest in Sweden in August but has since inspired students around the globe. ...

“We have proposed Greta Thunberg because if we do nothing to halt climate change it will be the cause of wars, conflict and refugees,” said Norwegian Socialist MP Freddy André Øvstegård. “Greta Thunberg has launched a mass movement which I see as a major contribution to peace.”

“[I am] honoured and very grateful for this nomination,” said Thunberg on Twitter. Tomorrow we #schoolstrike for our future. And we will continue to do so for as long as it takes.” She has already challenged leaders in person at the UN climate summit in late 2018 and at Davos in January. “Change is coming whether they like it or not,” she said.



Canada's National Fridays For Future student strike day is May 3rd. 



Fridays For Future Canada @fridaysforfutureCA




Here are detailed comments from some of the local youth organizers on their individual Fridays For Future student protests went in Victoria, University of BC, Kelowna, Saskatoon, Lindsay, Brighton, Kingston, and Halifax.



The following article from the Socialist Project discusses why the global student strikes are so important. 

The Student Strike to Save the Climate Will Leave a Mark

Piero Bevilacqua

The world’s first Global Climate Strike for the Future, that took place on March 15th, is destined to make a profound mark. Something that should make everyone stop and reflect is the fact that it is the teenagers and young people from 80 countries around the world, and students from thousands of cities, who are leading this initiative. Indeed, things look even more dramatic if we look at the data provided by the UN’s sixth Global Environment Outlook report just presented at the climate summit underway in Nairobi.

These facts should lead us to think twice because, for the first time in human history, we are close to catastrophic processes which will determine the living conditions of future generations on Earth, and even though we are certain and aware of them, we are failing to act.

Instead, we let the governments and political forces organize pompous international meetings, destined to change little or nothing about the mechanisms that are causing the climate to heat up, and we continue living the consumerist lifestyle that is pushing the planet toward destruction. That is why the fact that young people – to whom we are leaving a legacy of impoverished and inhospitable habitats to be fought over by a growing population – are assuming the roles of protagonists with a worldwide protest movement is a heartening development that gives one hope.

They are going on “strike,” signaling their disobedience and refusal to work – in this case, a refusal to attend school – something that gives a special character to this event, and at the same time shows the tragic problem with the current global situation. The kids are the ones going on strike, and in effect striking against their own interests, losing hours of their studies. Yet everyone else is not striking: the adults, factory workers, employees, executives, all the figures who would actually be able to do serious economic damage to the extractive capitalists responsible.

It should have been us, the adults – who have been enjoying, and still enjoy, the comfort made possible by the destruction of the Earth – to rebel and organize a general strike to stop the infernal machine that throws 1.3 billion tons of food per year straight into landfills, dumps the excrement from 24 billion farm animals into the waters, fills the air with CO2 and other greenhouse gases, floods urban areas with millions more cars than they can support, and is heaping up mountains of technological waste (e-waste) around the world – whole mountain ranges born out of planned obsolescence. ...

Young people cannot hope to win the war with one battle, because they cannot afford the delusion that those who are governing the world economic order care even the slightest bit about their future and that of the Earth. They will destroy even the last strip of fertile soil and dry up the waters of the Earth to the last drop, as long as they are able to draw some private profit from it.

And there is no argument that will stop them or lead them to take another route, except for hitting them where their vital interests lie. To this end, the protest must take a systematic and structured form, bringing the fight to several fronts. It must put pressure on the governments, involving all the many forces which are now engaged in these struggles, for the ecological re-conversion of the cities (full recycling of waste, the spread of solar power, limiting urban traffic, the reuse of waste water, a stop to the destructive spread of cement, etc.). Furthermore, it must also set up systematic campaigns of boycott against goods produced using systems that are destroying natural habitats. ...

The young people have chosen the right path. Like the women of Non Una Di Meno, they have understood that the struggle must have an international scope and must take the form of a strike: that is to say, of a full-on struggle, a conflict against an opponent that is defending the status quo, to which its interests are tied. ...



Here's some more info on student strikes for climate change on Fridays in Canada including a map of student strike locations around the world. There will be a National student strike in Canada on May 3rd.




On May 3rd, join hundreds of thousands of youth across the country as we strike from school to demand climate justice!


That's also just after May Day, so it can be for more than one day. Hoping it is huge...

I'm listening to petrolhead Kenney as I write...


I recently attended a webinar on climate change by Ontario's former Environment Commissioner Diane Saxe. Here is a link to the recording, if anyone's interested. You'll need to register. As an activist with more years behind her than ahead I firmly believe that young people are going to be the ones who succeed in combating climate change, through vigorous protest and disruption. The Extinction Rebellion movement has me feeling cautiously optimistic that we are not all doomed by decades of insanely myopic capitalism-driven fossil fuel consumption.


While I'm an atheist, it's good to see this.

Swedish Fridays for Future activist Greta Thunberg is greeted by Pope Francis after his weekly audience at Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican.


Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg met briefly with Pope Francis on Wednesday.

The teenage environmentalist sat in the front row of the pope's general audience in St Peter's Square when the two spoke.

"Thank you for standing up for the climate and speaking the truth. It means a lot," she told him.

"God bless you, continue to work, continue. Go along, go ahead," he responded.


Greta Thunberg backs climate general strike to force leaders to act

Swedish activist says world faces ‘existential crisis’ and must achieve goals of Paris deal


Labour Party  leader Jeremy Corbyn will force a Commons vote on whether to declare an environmental and climate emergency following mass protests in the UK over political inaction in addressing the crisis. The move is supported by Greta Thunberg and the international Student Strike for Climate Change movement. 

H9 corbyn national emergency vote climate change greta thunberg uk britain extinction rebelleion protests

In Britain, Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn says he’ll force a parliamentary vote this week on whether to declare a national climate change emergency. Corbyn’s call for more urgent action on climate change comes after more than a thousand activists were arrested around London this month in a wave of nonviolent protests known as “Extinction Rebellion.”


Friday is Canada National School Strike for Climate Action Day. On March 15, 150,000 turned out in just Montreal. Support the students. 

“Our house is on fire. I am here to say, our house is on fire. ... I want you to act as you would in a crisis. I want you to act as if our house is on fire. Because it is.” — Greta Thunberg


Canada National School Strikes
Friday May 3, 2019

Many more locations: |


Ottawa is just one of the communities organizing for the Friday May 3rd student strike for climate action. 

School Strikes for Climate 
Friday May 3, across Canada


More locations: |

#FridaysForFuture | #ClimateStrike

“Adults are jeopardizing our future. You say you love your children above all else, and yet you are stealing their future in front of their very eyes. Something big needs to happen. People need to realize our political leaders have failed us. And we need to take action into our own hands.” — Greta Thunberg

“Our house is on fire. I am here to say, our house is on fire. I want you to act as you would in a crisis. I want you to act as if our house is on fire. Because it is.”  —  Greta Thunberg

“What’s the point of going to school if I won’t have a future?” – Sophia



Today was Canada's National Student Strike for Climate Action day. One of the many student strikes across Canada was in Edmonton.

The march on Friday was part of an international #FridaysForFuture day of action, which have spurred more than 725 strikes worldwide.

One sign at the Edmonton rally read: “There is no Planet B.”



Students demanding action on climate change march in Edmonton and rally at the Alberta legislature on Friday, May 3, 2019.

Climate Justice Edmonton’s objective is to have the Canadian government enact a Green New Deal, a plan for a transition that must:

1) Act to keep global warming below 1.5°C by transitioning to a 100 per cent renewably-powered economy by 2030 with net-zero carbon emissions, whilst also following the commitments Canada made in the Paris Climate Agreement.

2) Decolonize the land by respecting the rights, title and sovereignty of Indigenous Peoples.

3) End all fossil fuel subsidies and new fossil fuel development and instead use government money to fund renewable energy development.

4) Facilitate a just transition for all workers by providing retraining opportunities, creating new jobs and maintaining pensions for retired workers, by funding renewables, public transit, education and other climate solutions instead of new fossil fuel projects.

5) Promote and engage youth views on the future, addressing youth concerns regarding their and other generations’ futures.



Vancouver climate strike organizer Rebecca Hamilton says students are coming together to fight for their lives

The city's fourth environmental walkout from classes since December was part of a national day of action

by Charlie Smith on May 3rd, 2019 at 2:24 PM


  • Rebecca Hamilton, a Grade 11 student at Lord Byng secondary, was inspired to start climate strikes after seeing the impact of Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg, who's organized similar actions in Europe.

2 of 3

  • Rebecca Hamilton, a Grade 11 student at Lord Byng secondary, was inspired to start climate strikes after seeing the impact of Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg, who's organized similar actions in Europe.CHARLIE SMITH


climate protest

As part of more than 75 student strikes for Climate Action across Canada on May 3rd, hundreds of students from across the Lower Mainland marched on the streets of downtown Vancouver Friday.



In Ottawa, students at Carleton University confronted Trudeau, over his climate inaction. The url includes a video of this protest. 

“I’m striking, because you brought us here to listen, but you are not acting.” Students stood up the moment Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took the stage at the Canada Youth Summit at Carleton University on Friday, protesting government leaders’ including Doug Ford and Jason Kenney’s “inactivity” on climate change and Indigenous issues.


You own a big house, drive an SUV, travel abroad, and your teen is mad because you ignored the climate. What now?



by Charlie Smith on May 4th, 2019 at 10:23 AM


  • Students gathered in downtown Vancouver and in other cities around the world to call on adults to get serious about the climate.

  • Students gathered in downtown Vancouver and in other cities around the world to call on adults to get serious about the climate.CHARLIE SMITH


Last student climate march of the school term - in Mtl, QC and also Ottawa/Gatineau tomorrow 17 May


Today there student climate change strikes in 1664 cities in 125 countries around the world as young people fail to see older generations dealing in any effective manner with the global warming crisis.  

Italian children and young people protest in Turin.

Young Italians protest in Turin.

Hundreds of thousands of students around the world walked out of their schools and colleges Friday in the latest in a series of strikes urging action to address the climate crisis. According to event organizers Fridays for Future, over 1664 cities across 125 countries registered strike actions, with more expected to report turnouts in the coming days.

The “School Strike for Climate” movement was first started by Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg, who began her strike alone outside the country’s parliament in Stockholm in August 2018. ...

“May 24 is the last chance to affect the E.U. elections. Politicians are talking about the climate and environmental issues more now, but they need more pressure,” she said. Voting across the European Union takes place May 23-26, where the 751 representatives of the European Parliament will be elected by citizens across the continent. Recent polling suggests environmental issues and policies tackling climate change are high on the agenda for voters considering who to elect. ...

The school strike movement has emerged in tandem with other environmental movements worldwide. The British-based direct action group Extinction Rebellion occupied major locations in London for ten days in late April, and their first demand, for the British government to declare a state of “climate emergency,” received approval from parliament on May 1. And in the U.S., the young activists of Sunrise Movement have pushed to transform climate action into a political reality by calling for a Green New Deal, attracting the support of several legislators and 2020 Democratic presidential candidates.



Melbourne Student Strike for Climate Change May 24, 2019.

Protestors stage a 'Die In' in at the corner of Bourke and Swanston Streets in Melbourne, Australia on May 24, 2019. Protestors including the 'Extinction Rebellion' took to the CBD in order to show the Earth's sixth mass extinction in reaction to Climate Change.

Protestors stage a 'Die In' in at the corner of Bourke and Swanston Streets in Melbourne, Australia on May 24, 2019. Protestors including the 'Extinction Rebellion' took to the CBD in order to show the Earth's sixth mass extinction in reaction to Climate Change.



On March 15th, 150,000 mostly young people marched in protest against Canada's and Quebec's climate change policies in country which is warming at twice the average global rate on average. Quebec Premier Francois Legault, who had almost no climate change policies during his election campaign last fall, announced a shift from fossil fuels to electricity. Legault acknowledged the role of young protesters in saying “I want to be perfectly clear — we got the message from our youth. We are going to do more. The skeptics will be proven wrong.”

Legault announced he wants the province to cut its oil consumption by 40 per cent by 2030, to be replaced by clean electricity. Currently 36 per cent of the energy consumed in Quebec is electric.

“Instead of pumping our money into the coffers of oil companies, we will keep it here to create wealth for people here,” Legault said in his speech to 1,300 delegates at a downtown hotel Sunday.

“The path I invite all of us to follow is to electrify our economy. That’s the way for more prosperity and a greener economy.” ...

Following a weekend in which environmentalists cranked up the pressure and the party adopted a package of green political resolutions, Legault chose to run with the movement rather than fight it. ...

That includes using more electric power in Quebec and exporting surpluses for profit to the power-hungry states south of the border.  Making use of that power also represents Quebec’s contribution to reducing greenhouse gases everywhere, he argued. ...

Dominic Champagne — the media-savvy theatre director who launched a major environmental movement in November known as Le Pacte pour la transition and recently joined the CAQ membership — beamed as he left the council, as did representatives of the David Suzuki Foundation. Noting the CAQ has come a long way after winning the Oct. 1 election with almost no environmental platform, Champagne said the party now has the makings of a good one. ...

Legault’s plan has three tiers: converting homes and public buildings such as hospitals and seniors’ residences from oil and gas heating to electric; weaning industry off oil; and, by far the largest chunk of the plan, a massive investment in the electrification of public transportation systems. That includes finishing and expanding Montreal’s $6.3-billion REM light-rail network, extending the Blue métro line and adding a tramway to the city’s east end, plus tramways on Taschereau Blvd. in Longueuil and in Quebec City.

In all cases, any new trains, tramways and buses financed by the Quebec government will have to be electric by 2030 and, for the most part, built in Quebec, Legault said. ...

As a bonus, he estimates Quebec will be able to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 37.5 per cent of the benchmark 1990 levels by 2030. If potential deals to sell power to Massachusetts and New York materialize as he hopes, greenhouse gases would be cut by five million tonnes a year and Quebec would be richer by $1 billion from the sales, Legault said. ...

Asked if he is sending a message to newly elected Alberta premier Jason Kenney, who dreams of exporting oil via pipelines through Quebec, Legault said Quebec will still need oil for many years. He cautiously did not repeat his previous comments about Alberta’s oil being a form of “dirty energy.” Quebec already gets 80 per cent of its oil from Alberta and the United States, and that won’t stop for now, he said. “We want to decrease (consumption) but we won’t be able to reduce it to zero in the next few years,” Legault said. “It’s a transition.”

The upside to cutting oil consumption by the reduction goal, he added, is Quebec would save $10 billion a year, which is what it pays now for oil supplies.



The impact of the student strikes for climate change can be seen in their impact on the recent European elections. Many of them were advocating for a Green New Deal in the recent European elections. 

In addtiont to dealing with climate change, the European Green New Deal is even bringing up the word that cannot be spoken - nationalization, in terms of some private real estate and corporations like BMW for breaking antitrust rules. The extent of the Green New Deal activism of youth on the federal October election results remains to be seen. 

With major votes occurring within the span of five months this year, the European Union and Canadian federal elections are critical in deciding our planet’s future.

The results of the EU election — in which each European country elects an allotted number of representatives to the EU parliament — have already resulted in big changes, largely due to youth getting involved in politics.

Young people around the world are demonstrating a thorough understanding of the larger economic and environmental threats that are endangering not only individual freedom, but the very survival of our own species and more than a million others.

Around the world, youth protest movements like #FridaysForFuture have been growing steadily. Student protesters recently turned out in 120 countries and 1,700 cities to demand action on climate change just days before the EU elections on May 26. The next global student strike has already been announced for Sept. 20 and is expected to draw even bigger numbers. ...

There was a renewed brawl pitting democratic eco-socialists and liberals against conservatives and far-right parties, as Europeans witnessed most strikingly in the first debate of the lead candidates of the pan-European parties.

The debate focused on “digital Europe,” “sustainable Europe” and the future of Europe. 

The prospect of a European Green New Deal — popular among young voters — has been increasingly paired with renewed discussions about democratizing the European Union not just politically, but also economically. 

Yanis Varoufakis’s transnational party European Spring included a Green New Deal in its platform, with the following pledges: “To dismantle the habitual domination of corporate power over the will of citizens; to re-politicize the rules that govern our single market and common currency.”

The party only marginally missed the threshold for securing seats in Germany and Greece, but more than 1.4 millions Europeans voted for a Green New Deal. In Spain, the Socialist Party (PSOE) won on a Green New Deal platform.

As World Economic Forum writer Katie Whiting explained, a European Green New Deal would invest “at least five per cent of Europe’s GDP in emissions-free transportation infrastructure, renewable energies and innovative technologies, while creating jobs and transitioning Europe to zero-emissions — all without raising taxes.” ...

The European Greens, with 69 projected MEPs in the European Parliament, will certainly need to respond to calls from the Left Bloc (38 seats) and the Socialists and Democrats (153 seats) to work together on making Europe environmentally green and socially just.

They’ll have to do so while dealing with MEPs from pan-European parties like Volt Europa who want to democratize the European Union as far-right parties like Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) embrace increasingly nationalist and isolationist views.

The EU environmental agenda is also being shaped by particular national New Green debates. For example, in Germany, there is talk of reappropriating apartment units and car manufacturers to alleviate inequality and establish a more sustainable Europe. ...

Soon after discussions about nationalizing real estate properties emerged in the state of Berlin, Kevin Kühnert, the head of the 80,000-member-strong youth movement of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), was recently in the news for public remarkscalling for the nationalization of corporations like BMW as well. 

BMW is in the spotlight due to allegations it “breached EU antitrust rules from 2006 to 2014,” according to the European Commission. It’s being investigated for allegedly using illegal defeat devices to cheat regulatory emissions tests.

It’s not just young people making the case for abolishing private ownership of some entities. These daring remarks by young people, sometimes considered taboo, have inspired older generations too. As Germany celebrates the 70th anniversary of the Federal Republic and its German Basic Law, even Baby Boomers are reminding the public about the law’s Article 15 that allows the nationalization of private property

Demands for action on climate change are growing louder every day. British parliament recently declared a climate emergency due in part to ongoing protests organized by the Extinction Rebellion movement, which has also been supported by #FridaysForFuture student activist Greta Thunberg.


I  posted this elsewhere but I feel it is important enough to merit here as well as global warming has become the number problem of the 21st century. 

September 20-27 will be a week of student strikes for climate action around the world. 

There are already 3,395 student strikes for climate action scheduled globally for the Sept. 20-27th. The following map shows their location on every continent, including Antarctica.


This set of student strikes is expected to exceed the 1.5 million student strikers for climate action that occurred on March 15th. 

The global mass day of action will take place on Friday 20 September, three days before the United Nations climate summit in New York.

It follows strikes in March this year in which 150,000 people marched in Australia and 1.5 million took part worldwide.

Organisers expect next week’s global strikes will be bigger and, this time there will be a much stronger presence from unions, workers and companies that have signed up to strike in solidarity with the young activists.

Here’s a guide to what’s happening.

Where will the strikes take place?

Strikes are planned in 120 countries across the world including almost 100 locations across Australia. ...

“This massive day of action is going to be fundamental towards advocating for more efficient action on climate change,” Evan Meneses, a 17-year-old organiser for the Adelaide strike, said. He said this was especially the case for Australia “given there is very little concrete evidence to suggest we’re achieving what was laid out in the Paris agreement”. There’s something that really connects with people when people as young as eight or 13 are advocating for action on the climate crisis because people that young are not the ones who should be having to [do so].”


Aware that Montreal has been one of the world's strongest cities in supporting Student Strikes for Climate Action, Greta Thunberg, the autistic 15 year old girl who started what started a global movement in August 218 by protesting outside Swedish Parliament alone about political inaction on climate change (, has agreed to attend Montreal's student strike on September 27th.

"The young activist has previously expressed support for activism in Montreal during the 'student strike' demonstrations back on March 15. "The Montreal march was one of the largest demonstrations in the world during the Friday for the Future Global Walkout, with more than 150,000 students taking part. " (

Quebec Solidaire co-leader Mannon Massé has asked that Thunberg be allowed to speak to Quebec's National Assembly, although the Speaker has not ruled on the issue. 

Climate change is now the number three issue in the 2019 Canadian election campaign 29%, behind only the cost of living at 35% and  health care at 34%, according to an Abacus poll this month. (

16-year-old Swedish activist Greta Thunberg holds a placard reading "School strike for the climate" during a manifestation against climate change outside the Swedish parliament in Stockholm, Sweden November 30, 2018.

Young activist Greta Thunberg says she is coming to Montreal. The Swedish 16-year-old is set to attend a scheduled climate protest on Sept. 27 to call on governments to take concrete action to combat climate change.  ...

Thunberg had praised Montreal on social media for its large-scale turnout in the previous global demonstration back in March. ...

Thunberg has made headlines around the world by sailing across the Atlantic Ocean in a zero-emissions sailboat to attend the United Nations climate summit on Sept. 23 in New York. 

Manon Massé, co-head of second opposition party Québec solidaire, has already asked that the activist be formally invited to address elected officials in the National Assembly.  The speaker, François Paradis, will have to decide on the issue. "Greta, Montreal and I are waiting for you with open arms," Massé said on Twitter Sunday evening.


Quebec climate action group La Planète s’invite au Parlement has invited Thunberg to attend the Montreal event on Sept. 27 that will encourage people to walk out of work and school to march for the environmental cause. ...

“She is one of the loudest voices we have to call attention to the degrading environmental condition and emergency we have on the planet,” said Clarkson. ... “(Thunberg) represents simple plain common sense that only a young person that hasn’t been disciplined enough to tow the line can bring,” said Clarkson.



Concordia University in Montreal will be cancelling classes in view of the importance of students protests against climate change with the university president saying "climate change is one of the most important issues of our time". In Montreal, 7 unions, 400 community groups and 20 CEGEPs have voted to join the September 27th march that will also be attended by Great Thunberg, who started the movement and has been impressed by the turnout at the March 15th student strike in the city. Montreal had the largest March 15th student strike protests in Canada with 150,000 attending the protests.

