Casseroles for Democracy: Toronto, May 30, 2012

An upbeat musical documentary about the Manif Casseroles Rally held in Toronto on May 30, 2012.
A film by Elizabeth Littlejohn
“Resilience” Written and Performed by Annabelle Chvostek
Director’s Statement:
I directed this musical documentary of the Manif Casseroles, held on May 30 in Toronto, to support Québec students, and to include a discussion about the democratic right of civil society to control access to our education, natural resources, and cultural heritage as they are being undercut by Bill C-38, Bill-78 Bill-55, and the federal budget, as currently proposed by Canada’s Conservative Government.

I was so moved by Jeremie Battaglia’s Casseroles – Montréal, 24 Mai 2012 video at that I decided to make a call and response video to his work from my perspective — in joyous colour, with a woman singing — which reflects the diverse, politicized beauty of Toronto.

Elizabeth Littlejohn

Elizabeth Littlejohn

Elizabeth Littlejohn teaches sustainable design, social innovation and new media, and has written about transit policy, Toronto’s municipal politics, civil rights and the environment as a features...