We need a national school-meals program

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We need a national school-meals program

A short, light video on this matter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfNMemslD1E However, as one Brazilian said, I doubt all children in that country have access to that balanced, delicious-looking meal. There are huge wealth gaps in that country, also by region.

By the way, I'm not sure the program should be national; it could be federally mandated, but wouldn't it be a better idea to have it administered by province or territory?

While French school meals are very good, there is little attention to vegetarian pupils, and certain rightwing politicians have insisted on including pork in the rotation. I have a (non-observant) Jewish friend in the 19th arrondissement, and most of the pupils are either Muslim or Jewish. Even non-observant people would be pissed off at such an imposition...

By the way, when I was living in Perugia, there was a mensa municipale, a sort of public cafeteria for all residents (not just the poor, or civil servants). Probably Berlusconi eliminated that... Several such amenities were introduced in postwar Europe, in many countries.